U-ram Choe

metalic material, resin, motor, gear, custom CPU board, LED
162(h) x 160(d) x 181(w)cm. 2010

What can I say, the art of Korean artist U-ram Choe is just down right cool. He merges organic fluidity with calculated mechanical engineering. The result is a collection of sculptures that seem otherworldly, like what nature would look like on an alien robotic planet.

U-ram Choe focus on kinetic art which is defined as:

 Art that contains moving parts or depends on motion for its effect. The moving parts are generally powered by wind, a motor or the observer.

  • Custos Cavum, 2011 
    size : 220(h) x 360(w) x 260(d)cm 
    material : metallic material, resin, motor, gear, custom CPU board, LED

It's probably of no surprise to learn that U-ram's father was a scientist who had a hand in designing some of Koreas first automobiles. Seeing stills of this art are amazing, but to really appreciate the full scope of these projects you have to see them in motion. You can see some of the art I have shown here and here.

The thing that I find so fascinating about this art is the fact that the properties of the metal and robotics don't take away from the feeling of something organic. U-ram has found a balance and harmony between two extremes.

Arbor Deus (Tree of God) 
Iron, Stainless steel, Aluminum, Resin, motor, CPU board
350(w) x 260(h) x 380(d)cm. 2010

The truth is that these sculptures are not so different from the living things all around us. There is so much order and constancy in nature, but I think that we find it easy to over look. Viewing the natural world around us through the eyes of U-ram is a wonderful reminder of the structure therein.

Una Lumino Portentum 
Scientific name : Anmopispl Avearium cirripedia Uram
metallic material, motor, LED, CPU board, polycarbonate
360(w) x 180(h) x 48(d)cm. 2009

"If you read my story narrative, it looks as if it is dead, but it’s not really dead. So my work represents different worlds. There are cultural walls, walls of knowledge, and we lose interest, and this work shows how, when two different worlds stop communicating, the hole closes up, and then the Custos Cavum feels useless and then falls into sleep because there’s no use for it anymore.”


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